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Skinnables List

A few notes:
The weights are in stones
Unless otherwise noted, the worth is in kronars
All skins were weighed at the most local MAMAs
We have not found any difference in the skins coming from rangers vs. non-rangers
All skins were skillfully peeled
If the skin isn't scrapable, it isn't tannable
The numbers of scrapes is the number of pieces while tanning
Scraping did not effect the weight of the skins
Charisma impacts selling price, but not appraisal price

Tannable Skins
Skin Weight # of scrapes Worth
Black leucro hide 33 3 437
Cougar pelt 33 3 56
Blood wolf pelt 33 3 140
Bobcat pelt 5 1 62
Golden Jackal pelt 33 3 46
Side-striped Jackal pelt 33 3 37
Black-backed Jackal pelt 33 3 37
Field goblin skin 7 2 15
Eel skin 7 2 21
Stone grey hide (gargoyle) 33 3 343
Badger pelt 7 2 33
Rock troll skin 60 4 30
Crocodile skin 93 5 125
Faenrae Reaver pelt 33 3 77
Rat pelt 5 1 15
Pure white pelt (snowbeast) 33 3 237
Red leucro pelt 33 3 315 dokoras
Piruati serpent skin 20 5 156
Heggarangi frog skin 5 1 8
Sluagh hide 60 4 25
Wooly sheepskin 33 3 31
Red leucro 33 3 436
La'tami hide 33 3 324
Bear pelt 60 4 62
Bison hide 33 3 101 dokoras
Antelope skin 20 5 81 dokoras
Clouded arzumos pelt 45 5 248 dokora
Boa skin 93 5 100 lirums
Shaggy black hide (barghest) 33 3 150 lirums
Tawny warcat pelt (vicious warcat) 45 5 260 lirums
Leucro pelt (silver leucro) 33 3 60 lirums
Carapace sliver 7 2(?)
Caracal Pelt 33 3
Grey Slivers 7 3(?)
Ghoul skin 33 3
Horse hide 33 3
Hiro bear pelt ? 5
Stalker Pelt (Fenrae stalker) 33 3
Firecat skin 33 3
azure-scale hide (Merrow) 32 5

Non-tannable Skins
Skin Weight Worth
Pothanit tusks 13 25
Boar tusk 5 31
Leathery scalp (Trollkin) 5 15
Hog hoof 10 15
Poisonous viper sac (Giant thicket viper) 5 325
Immature firecat tooth 5 ?
Beisswurm claw 15 15
Crayfish shell 5 37
Arbelog claw 5 37
Crab claw 15 62
Silverfish antenna 15 46
Golden pard claw 5 180 dokoras
large reddish-black scale (Adan'f mage) 16 225 dokoras
Adan'f tail barb (Adan'f warrior) 12 405 dokoras
Heggarangi boar tusk 15 260 lirums
River caiman paw 8 75 lirums
Black angiswaerd eye (angiswaerd hatchling) 36 150
Boobrie crest feather 2 56
Moda tongue 17 325
Nightreaver spinneret (unyn) 12 287 lirums
Nightweaver spinneret (unyn) 12 275 lirums
Westanuryn stinger (mottled westanuryn) 10 125 lirums
sand spider mandible 14 20 lirums
blood-red eyeball (hulking black barghest) 15 235
La'heke ashu'a (ochre la'heke) 15 280 lirums
Moruryn stinger 17 260 lirums
Stubby tusk (small peccary) 4 150 lirums
Vulture heart 15 17 lirums
Wolf tail (bone wolf) 10 32 lirums
Blackened collarbone (misshapen germish'din) 10 285(?) kronars
Lock of mey mosshair (moss mey) 10 31 kronars
Adan'f Spirit Dancer Scales 5
malchata rib 10 405 dokoras