This is intended as a brief summary of each skill and is by no means meant to include all possible uses of the skills. Skill levels are generally referred to as ranks. For example, 50 ranks in Teaching allows one to teach 3 pupils.
Armor skills grant the ability to use a specific armor and lower one's
regular hindrance and stealth hindrance while doing so. Increased skill
allows one to move more easily and to increase the protection received.
Bone is currently only available either
through Premium subscriber shops (in the Sea Caves) or in the Paladin shop
on Ratha.
Cloth, like Bone armor, is currently
only available either through Premium subscriber shops (in the Sea Caves)
or in the Paladin shop on Ratha.
Leather is often used by Barbarians,
Rangers, and Thieves. This is the most commonly used armor that
least affects stealth.
Light Chain and Heavy Chain are used by
those who want something that offers more overall protection than leather,
but not the hindrance and weight of plate.
Light Plate and Heavy Plate are generally
used by paladins because their weight and hindrance are often thought to
be excessive for other guilds.
Shield is the ability to effectively
protect one's self with a shield. You are able to wear a
shield on your left arm by typing adjust shield.
Paladins may arm-wear large shields because they are armor primary. Guilds
with armor as a secondary skillset may arm-wear medium shields. Those with
armor as a tertiary skillset can only arm-wear small shields. At 50 ranks,
you are able to load a bow or crossbow while wearing a shield on your arm.
Lore skills ...
Animal Lore is the ability to handle animals,
including ranger companions, leeches, and horses. Fishing also teaches
animal lore as well as foraging.
Appraisal is the ability to appraise objects,
in order to learn things about them, such as weight and worth. Appraising
creatures allows one to learn their difficulty versus one's abilities. It
takes perhaps 50 ranks to begin to see inaccurate appraisals of stats on
creatures and armor/weapons.
Astrology is available only to Moon Mages
and is the ability to study the stars for predictions and for the
creation of enchantments.
Empathy is available only to Empaths and
is the ability to heal others and to perceive health.
Mechanical Lore is the skill which allows
characters to create items, such as origami, armors, weapons, and magical
items. This also allows for changing the appearance of items and people,
as with embroidery and shifting. You can learn this skill by foraging grass
or vines and braiding them repeatedly.
Musical Theory is available only to Bards
and aids in the performance of enchantes, instrument playing, and other
Bardic abilities.
Percussions is the ability to play percussion
instruments, such as castanets.
Scholarship is the ability to learn from
classes, reading library books and compendiums, and studying spellbooks.
Strings is the ability to play stringed
instruments, such as the lute.
Teaching is the ability to teach classes to
Trading is available only to Traders and
encompasses many Trader-only abilities, such as running caravans, holding
auctions, and selling gem pouches.
Vocals is the ability to sing and is best
learned by humming. If you intend to sing, I suggest asking the
permission of your audience first, however.
Winds is the ability to play wind instruments,
such as the flute.
Magic skills ...
Primary Magic is the ability to cast
spells effectively.
Harness is the ability to control mana.
Power Perception is the ability to see
the amount of mana available. This ability is limited by your own
ability as well as by the amount of mana actually present in a room.
For more information, please click here.
Power Perception differs slightly for
Bards and
Moon Mages.
Arcana is the ability to store
magic in cambrinth and to manipulate all magical devices, such as
runestones, magical fans, and wands. Use of constellation jewelry
and invisibility rings also fall under this skill.
Targeted Magic is the ability to aim
offensive spells.
Survival skills ...
Backstab is available only to Thieves
and is the ability to ambush and stab an opponent when hidden.
Climbing is the ability to climb over
obstacles or into some tricky area. You can also learn climbing by
finding a wall or tree (or other appropriate area) and typing
climb practice <object>.
Disarm Traps is the ability to disarm
trapped boxes without injury. Please click
here for more details.
Escaping is the ability to escape webs,
guards, and other such things. One way to learn Escaping is to travel
back and forth between Crossing; one room along the way often traps
you in mud and forces you to dig yourself free.
Evasion is the ability to dodge attacks.
First Aid is the ability to successfully
tend wounds and remove leeches. Improving your skill here allows you to
tend more difficult wounds as well as reduces roundtimes.
Foraging is the ability to find objects,
such as branches and herbs, in the wild. This skill can also be learned
by Fishing.
Hiding is the ability to slip into
hiding without being noticed. It's closely related to Stalking, which is
listed below.
Lockpicking is the ability to pick open
locked boxes. Please click
here for more detail.
Perception is the ability to see things,
creatures, and people which might otherwise be hidden or invisible.
Scouting is available only to Rangers
and is the ability to track people and creatures. This can also be
used to run trails. The verb hunt is a great
tool for Rangers in particular as it trains Scouting, Perception,
and Stalking in that order. (Non-Rangers will only learn
Perception and Stalking.)
Skinning is the ability to skin and
scrape hides, pelts, and skins. All guilds may now
arrange a creature at least twice before skinning, which
increases the difficulty.
Stalking is the ability to approach or
follow a person or creature unseen.
Stealing is the ability to steal objects
or coins from a person.
Swimming is the ability to move across
bodies of water, both great and small.
Weapon skills ...
In this section, defensive weapon skills are placed first and then
followed by the types of weapons most commonly used. Last are weapons
not recommended for beginning players.
Parry is the ability to avoid attacks by
parrying with a weapon. Parry sticks and edged weapons work best.
Multi Opponent is the ability to handle
multiple foes without suffering a penalty.
Light Edged is the ability to use small
bladed weapons, such as daggers or dirks.
Medium Edged is the ability to use
medium bladed weapons, such as scimitars and sabres.
Heavy Edged is the ability to use
heavy bladed weapons, such as broadswords and longswords.
Two-handed Edged is the ability to use
bladed weapons requiring both hands, such as claymores.
Light Blunt is the ability to use small
bludgeoning weapons, such as cudgels.
Medium Blunt is the ability to use
medium bludgeoning weapons, such as maces.
Heavy Blunt is the ability to use
large bludgeoning weapons, such as flails.
Two-handed Blunt is the ability to use
bludgeoning weapons requiring two hands, such as war mattocks.
Short Bow is the ability to use weapons
such as horseman's bows.
Long Bow is the ability to use long
bow type weapons, like forester's bows and hunter's bows.
Composite Bow is the ability to use
reflex type bows.
Light Crossbow is the ability to use
crossbows that require the shortest time to load.
Heavy Crossbow is the ability to use
larger crossbows, such as siege arbalests.
The following weapons are not recommended for beginners.
Brawling is the ability fight
unarmed by use of maneuvers, such as punching, choking, and
Light Thrown is the ability to use
small throwing weapons, such as throwing daggers.
Heavy Thrown is the ability to use
large throwing weapons, such as spears.
Short Staff is the ability to use
some clubbing type weapons, such as lead pipes.
Quarter Staff is the ability to use
long, heavy staves.
Slings is the ability to use weapons
which propel rocks.
Staff Sling is the ability to use
weapons that are similar to slings, but which are mounted atop
Halberds is the ability to use large
pole-arm type weapons, which typically do slicing damage.
Pikes is the ability to use large
pole-arm type weapons, which typically do puncture damage.
This section continues onto other considerations here.