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Bow Appraisals

These are some appraisals of bows that are found around the realms. Hardly a definitive guide, we hope this will be added to as times goes on.

Longbow Apps
Name Balance Suitedness Coin Appraisal Location Notes
a willow longbow branded with the Ranger guild crest Reasonably Fairly 61020 dokora Shard Survival Shop
an ebony longbow inlaid with jade wolves Fairly Fairly 51865 dokora Shard Survival Shop
a balanced competition longbow Reasonably Fairly 139810 dokora Shard Survival Shop
a forester's bow Reasonably Reasonably 25005 kronar Trader Shops Load RT reduced by a second
a hunter's longbow with an ivory grip shaped like a wolf's head Fairly Fairly 18411 dokoras Shard Survival Shop
an ebony longbow inlaid with silver wolves Fairly Fairly 51865 dokora Shard Survival Shop
a lemon-backed hickory longbow Fairly Fairly 2730 lirum Aesry, Halfling Burrow
an ash longbow Reasonably Reasonably 175 kronars Bowyer in Leth

Composite Bow Apps
Name Balance Suitedness Coin Appraisal Location Notes
a hunter's reflex bow with a jade grip carved into the shape of a raccoon Fairly Reasonably 31349 dokora Shard Survival Shop
an osage orange flat bow with a rough hemp grip Fairly Reasonably 21828 dokoras Shard Survival Shop
a tamarisk plains bow with flowing strands of white owl feathers and agate beads Fairly Reasonably 17617 dokora Horse Clan
a tamarisk plains bow with a cascade of silvery goshawk feathers and cinnabar beads dangling from the grip Fairly Reasonably 15845 dokoras Horse Clan
a silverbirch plains bow tipped with switches of jet-beaded chestnut horsehair Fairly Reasonably 15004 dokoras Horse Clan
a white oak plains bow wrapped with chestnut horsehair twined through bone beads Fairly Reasonably 15347 dokoras Horse Clan
a silverbirch savannah bow wrapped in leather thongs suspending two lapis-beaded bird skulls Fairly Reasonably 20430 dokoras Horse Clan
a juniper savannah bow with a cascade of russet hawk feathers and jet beads dangling from the grip Fairly Reasonably 15347 dokoras Horse Clan

Short Bow Apps
Name Balance Suitedness Coin Appraisal Location Notes
a sniper's short bow dyed a deep forest green Reasonably Fairly 10824 dokoras Shard Survival Shop
a black oak steppe bow wrapped with grey horsehair twined through polished vertebrae Reasonably Fairly 5298 dokoras Horse Clan
a juniper steppe bow with a silver-beaded black horsehair grip Reasonably Fairly 5395 dokoras Horse Clan
a silverbirch saddle bow wrapped with flaxen horsehair braided through carved cinnabar beads Reasonably Fairly 5298 dokoras Horse Clan
a white oak steppe bow with an agate-beaded bird skull set at each tip Reasonably Fairly 8965 dokoras Horse Clan
a tamarisk saddle bow with a braided plumegrass grip Reasonably Fairly 4822 dokoras Horse Clan
an osage heartwood saddle bow inlaid with linked circles of dark horn and pale bone Reasonably Fairly 8537 dokoras Horse Clan

Light Crossbow Apps
Name Balance Suitedness Coin Appraisal Location Notes
a hunter's crossbow with a pearl-inlaid stock Well Well 103730 dokora Shard Survival Shop