Paladin glyphs are akin to ranger beseeches, or to a lesser extent, mage
cantrips, in that they're not strictly a magical ability, but of a more
innate nature. In place of mana, they draw on the paladin's soul, so one
cannot glyph too often for risk of hurting their soul - which is required
to be at a certain level in order to glyph to begin with.
Each of the glyphs requires the paladin go on a quest in order to receive
it. In addition they each have a minimum circle requirement.
Circle: 5th | Usage: trace ward <deader/assailant> |
Attained at 5th circle, it allows a paladin to protect a deader's items
when they must depart. The duration of the glyph is based on the paladin's
circle and charisma.
When cast on a living person, it prevents that person from aiming with a
ranged weapon.
Circle: 10th | Usage: trace bond <item> |
At 10th circle a paladin is entitled to receive the glyph of bonding, which is fairly similar to the glyph of warding, in that its primary focus is on helping a dead adventurer. When this glyph is traced, the weapon of the fallen is drawn magically into their grasp so that they may depart and not lose it.
Glyph of LightCircle: 15th | Usage: trace light <person> |
15th circle brings the glyph of light. The glyphs main purpose is to act as a sort of magical torch, much like divine radiance, to light a dark area. The soul drain seems to be fairly high, so it shouldn't be considered an alternative to a lantern for extended periods of time.
Glyph of ManaCircle: 20th | Usage: trace mana <person> |
A glyph somewhat similar to the Raise Power empath spell, this increases the mana in the room traced. As with the RP, the glyph also fades after a while.
Glyph of EaseCircle: 25th | Usage: trace ease <person/deader> |
The original, and most common, usage of glyph of ease is to help in the dragging of deaders, thus making them easier to drag if heavy, etc. In addition to that, glyph of ease can be traced either on the glypher, or on another, to help restore fatigue. As with most glyphs, the ability is impacted by both the circle and charisma of the glypher.
Glyph of RenewalCircle: 50th | Usage: trace renew <holy weapon> |
Used to restore power to a paladin's holy weapon. Must be in the proper place to trace this glyph or else you can't trace it.
Paladins receive an extra STANCE point per 10 levels.
Paladins can check their soul pool by EXHALE SOULSTONE.
Paladins of Elanthia will now realize a potential they never knew
they had -- the power to draw upon the insights of their patron
Chadatru and deliver a devastating attack known as a SMITE upon
their foes!
Bear in mind that you will be limited to how many times you may
smite in a given time, and this limitation is based on what I like
to call "a smite pool." Much like harness behaves, this smite pool
restores over time and decrements with each use of the SMITE attack.
SMITE itself, as well as the size of your pool, is directly related to
your Charisma. Those Paladins who forsake their Charisma will likely
not reap the potent benefits of this new ability. A Paladin's
soulstate also factors significantly into how often he or she may
SMITE foes.
The SMITE attack is not designed to be used in lieu of other attacks
or attack routines, but as a supplement to turn the tide of a battle
at a crucial point. It is, however, entirely possible to use up your
entire smiteyness upon only a few foes, if you so desire.
-- GM Rigby
In addition, PERC will show your smite pool.
While not technically a Paladin only skill, Paladins do receive some added features when using this ability:
PROTECT SYNTAX PROTECT COIN [#] [TYPE] [KRONAR|LIRUM|DOKORA] PROTECT COIN 3 GOLD DOKORAS PROTECT COIN 1 PLATINUM KRONARS PROTECT COIN 1 SIL LIR PROTECT COIN Displays the maximum number of coins you can protect. PROTECT COIN STOP Stop protecting all coins and return them to your coin purse. PROTECT [TARGET] DEFLECT or PROTECT [TARGET] Attempt to parry and/or block physical attacks made against another player. PROTECT [TARGET] COVER Attempt to take on physical attacks made against another player. PROTECT ASSESS [DEFLECT | COVER] Scan your current room for players who are in need of protection. PROTECT SELF Clear your character of negative effects. PROTECT STOP Stop any active protect. ASSESS PROTECT Display Paladin protection status in current room.
A paladin can assess a room to protect those in need. Be careful of this during invasions and other times when you may not want to try and protect every person in the room.