The Elothean figurine begins to speak, words soft and serene: "I am
Elothean. Some call us half-Human or half-Elven, but our religions
tell us the truth. From the thought of the gods was our race born, and
though others would want it otherwise, we remain their favored children.
Our will is powerful, our skills in magic and knowledge the most exalted
of all the races. We are agile when needed but we prefer to use our
minds instead of force. Our paths are the ways of magic, scholarship,
and lore. Calm and studied are we, neither hasting or wasting, we pursue
our goals logically and skillfully."
The Elothean stands tall and thin with large eyes that drink in every
detail, examining you, weighing you, appraising you, knowing more about
you, perhaps, than you yourself know. There is a sense of control
about this one. A sense of well-managed power.
- TDP Bonus Cost: -1 to reflex, wisdom and intelligence
- TDP Penalty Cost: +2 to stamina, +1 to strength
- Height: 5.75' to 6.25' for males. 5.25' to 6' for females.
- Lifespan: 350 maximum, 250 average
- Languages: Common, Gerenshuge
- Beginning Stats: Strength: 8, Reflex: 12, Agility: 10, Charisma: 10, Discipline: 10, Wisdom: 12, Intelligence: 12, Stamina: 6