The Dwarf figurine speaks: "From the bones of the earth did the gods
form us, the Dwarves, children of the mountains and the hardiest of
all the sentient creations. What we lack in agility and height we
make up for in strength and stamina. We are steadfast, enduring,
and fatigue rarely troubles us. The earth cradles us; it is where
we prefer to make our homes. When we set ourselves on a path none
can sway us -- other than ourselves."
You regard the form of the Dwarf figurine. Short and wide, a long
beard descends from its face in many curls and braids. The eyes
regard you unflinchingly, without fear or regret. Strength and
power reside in this form.
The Basics
- TDP Bonus Cost: -1 to discipline and stamina
- TDP Penalty Cost: +1 to reflex and agility
- Height: 4.5' to 5.5' for males. 4' to 5' for females.
- Lifespan: 500 maximum, 400 average
- Languages: Common, Haakish
- Beginning Stats: Strength: 10, Reflex: 8, Agility: 8, Charisma: 10, Discipline: 12, Wisdom: 10, Intelligence: 10, Stamina: 12