Future home of the Shopping database. Current home for Rowena's Fine Forged Weapons and Assorted Wares.
To purchase forged weapons or any of the goods listed below, please
contact Rowena by e-mail or AIM at RowenaMacDR.
In order to make certain I am able to respond, please include your AIM name in your e-mail.
Jadeite Gweths: 5 gold per charge.
Kyanite Gweths: 1 plat per charge.
I offer 25% off a jadeite gweth when purchased with a kyanite gweth that has 15 or more charges.
My gweths usually range from 5 to 20 charges. Please specify a range of charges when ordering.
Saemaus' kiss roses: 6 plat each.
Be'ort tear roses: 6 plat each.
Tanned bucklers: 10 plat each.